Click on the cover Picture to read the Book: Positive Affirmations for your Successful Life.








Tickets and Books

The following songs are from "The Reason for the Season" Album and play - The videos help educate playwrites and teachers that are writing or performing Christmas style plays for kids, adults and seniors. We have a script for Christmas, Easter/Ressurrection and 10 Days of Pentecost.

Every Song has a story and each story is a Film in itself. If you would like to help produce a Story, Screenplay, Plays, Commercials, TV Pilots or films DM me 






Books, CD's DVD's

North Coast Minority Media LLC

Fake News or Deception: You be the Judge - Chemical Warfare, Conspiracy Theory, 5G, Financial Greed, New World Order? You Be The Judge. (12.99)

Bronx, Puerto Rican, Racism, Hip Hop and God - The title says it all - (12.99)

Angels In The Hood: Book Series - Bible Stories - Pictures of bible characters and the stories behind them in a Hip Hop, Poetry or Spoken Word format. (12.99)

Reason For The Season: The Story of Jesus with bible characters - and the Lyrics to a Play and CD of the same name. (12.99)

Who the Son sets Free: Reveals How God can set you free from Drugs Alcohol, Tobacco and Prison. (12.99)

Atmospheric Solutions Reveals: How God is turning around nations of poverty and destruction and how He can turn yours around.(12.99)

Fatherhood in this Hip Hop Generation: Reveals how God wants Parents especially Fathers to reach and communicate with their children and their friends to impact positive relations. (12.99)

Choose Your Ministry: Reveals how God is using the ministry you choose to grow your church, your community, the Body of Christ through modern day technology and simple outreach strategies. (12.99)

Breaking the Strongholds of the Enemy: Reveals how God has broken generational curses and addictions and how you can take back what the devil has stolen from you and your family. (12.99)

Widow Maker: Surviving My Heart Attack - Reveals how God once again allowed Lou Acosta to live through a Heart Attack in order to slow down, prioritize his time and strategize for the ministry. (12.99)

Angels in the Hood: A Series of books, Bible stories, comic strips, radio and tv characters that reach out to young people in a spoken word, drama, poetry or hip hop format. (12.99)

Reason For the Season Album 17 Songs 15.99  - 12 songs Bilingual Christmas 12.99 - Hip Hop CD 15.99 - Christmas Star 14 Languages 19.99

Add 4.99 for shipping and handling in the US 7.99 outside send checks and money orders to"  Lou Acosta 1100 Tower Blvd. Suite 508 Lorain, Ohio 44052 


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